Nice items for your website You can achieve a lot with your website at but of course you need visitors who visit your website and stay! Therefore in this blog post we are going to cover some of the things you can pick up for your website hosting to give your visitors what they want. Let's start with the items you can use and take into consideration! Color of your website This is an important one that we have also covered before in our blog posts. The color of your website determines
DokuWiki hostingAt we like to try out as many Content Management Systems as possible. This to give more advice to you the customer and to make sure that we are always up to date with the latest developments in the CMS area. Sometimesthese are complicated systems but sometimes they are not.DokuWiki hostingis a content management system that focuses on the creation of Wiki pages. This way you can easily create documentation pages for your application or website.What makes DokuWiki
Different kinds of databases Nowadays it is a given that a website has a database behind it. This is a place where all the data of your website is stored. Think for example of your blog posts or your products from your webshop. You have different types of databases which supports on our hosting. Since we provide Windows hosting the following types of databases can be used. MS SQL MS SQL stands for Microsoft SQL and was developed by Microsoft. In this database you can make sure
AbanteCart Hosting You can create a webshop in a lot of different solutions. From the extension WooCommerce for WordPress or nopCommerce hosting. What we are going to talk about in this blog post is the Content Management System AbanteCart. This is a solution that can be chosen for both large companies or small businesses. Since the E commerce solution is free to use thanks to its open source license it can be installed by anyone without worries and additional costs. At you
Translating a website To translate a website you have a number of options these days. It is useful to offer your website in different languages for other countries and thus more audience. To translate your website you have a large number of free tools. If you want to have the translation done by a translator you can spend quite a bit of money. However you will have more assurance that your website will be properly translated. The choice also depends on whether you have a company website or an informal
Bolt CMS hosting With the latest Content Management Systems you can work at We always like to give attention to the different options that are available and invite you to try them. There are advantages and disadvantages to each CMS therefore it is useful to look around before you drop the choice. Bolt CMS like the last few blog posts about Content Management Systems can be used as a Flat File database. This is a SQLite database where all data is stored directly in the hosting
How do I register a domain name? Registering a domain name is the first step towards starting your website or business. This is your brand name and after choosing it you are stuck with it for a while. Therefore it is important to pay the necessary attention to ensure that you make the best choice. But what should you take into account when registering the domain name? We're going to cover that in this blog post. 1 What extension? This is a pretty easy choice in general. Are you going to do business
What is shared hosting or shared hosting? Shared hosting or shared hosting is the most common way that websites are hosted on. This is because it is an economical way to get your website available on the internet. On shared hosting multiple websites are put on 1 server where resources like memory and processor are shared among the websites. This has the advantage that you have no server maintenance and no technical knowledge is needed to host your website. This arranges all
Monstra hosting A Content Management System without a database is nice to work with and often very "light". You have the minimal resources that need to be loaded and all your website files are just in the wwwroot. When you decide to start a blog with Monstra you will need a web host. offers you the freedom to start your own blog with Monstra with the best specifications. With our fast SSD hosting your blog will be lightning fast and you can type away to your heart's content
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