Personal 250
Personal 1000
Personal 250
Personal 1000
Personal 250
Personal 1000
Cloud backup laptop

With a laptop as your daily driver, it doesn't matter where you work, whether it's working on a report on the train for a while. Or on vacation being reachable for incidentals. Or being a full Digital Nomad. Something can always go wrong with working with a laptop. Briefly working on your website in a coffee shop, and then your coffee over the laptop. Changing trains, your laptop slips out of your half-closed backpack. On vacation, your laptop gets lost in the luggage.
An accident happens in a flash. A laptop can be replaced, but can your project that you've been working on for half a year be replaced as well? That is a bit trickier.
That is why we at have your back with an online cloud backup for your laptop. Every change and improvement is saved to the cloud. This way you can work worry-free on any project without the risk of losing work
Benefits of comes with an easy to install program on your laptop. With a lot of configuration options, you can customize it to your needs and work conditions. Do you want your entire laptop to be backed up every time it starts up? Or do you want only a specific folder to be backed up every minute? It is possible with our services.
A 120 day fallback plan for every situation
A backup is of course only useful if you can go back for some time, maybe you overlook a file or have to go back further to repair a damage. That's why we at have the possibility to go back in time for no less than 120 days and save your files.
With two factor authentication, military grade encryption and multiple storage locations worldwide
On your smartphone you can easily and quickly set up two factor authentication, so for each login and startup of the service a second login is required. This is a sure way to prevent unwanted access and to have your backup files safely stored in the online cloud backup. Furthermore, we use Military AES-256 encryption which ensures that even supercomputers would still take 200 years to crack your data. And finally, there are storage locations all over the world where you can choose where your backup data is stored. So you always have a copy of your backup across multiple locations. And even in the most exceptional situations you can fall back on the backup.

The rise of working from home and Digital Nomading
With more and more people also working from home with laptops, it is advisable to have a plan b when the chips are down. With an online cloud backup service, you are assured of a backup that is not on site. For example, a backup can be present in the United States and just in the Netherlands. This way you are no longer dependent on a single storage location for all your data.
Digital nomads you read more and more about and is a dream of many to achieve. Not being stuck to a location to earn your income. Traveling and working and seeing the world. That's where a lot of dreams lie. Whether it's on a sailboat, a driving tiny house or just hopping around from AirBNB to apartment in different cities around the world. Work you will have to do anyway, it has to be paid from somewhere. That is why you see the most beautiful pictures of people doing this passing by on social media from a beach, a cafe with a drink or typing away on a sailboat. With the current possibilities in every work field to work location independent with a laptop this attracts a lot of attention.
But of course your work needs to be stored securely so you don't lose anything if your laptop is lost for any reason. With you always have a backup of all your sensitive information, work and photos.
Two packages for a Cloud Backup Laptop
For the price of a day out you already have a year of backups of your laptop online in the cloud. The main difference between the two packages you can choose from for a Cloud backup for your Laptop is Personal 250 and Personal 1000. The numbers refer to the available disk space. For 5.99 ex VAT per month you have 250 gigabytes at your disposal! More than enough for most large projects and activities. Plus a lot of photos and videos!
Of course, most customers do not only backup simple files, therefore complex databases, entire programs and much more can also be included in the backup. Then you are always assured of a plan b in every situation.