Hosting a blog Hosting is extremely important for a successful blog website. In fact hosting has a direct impact on the success of your blog and its reliability. A good web host is therefore an important choice. At we can host your Blog with almost all Content Management Systems (CMS). The most popular Blog CMS is WordPress hosting here we offer extensive support and documentation to make the steps clear. You also have the choice of Umbraco hosting Drupal or Joomla web hosting.
Reseller web hosting If you have your own website or are interested in what's going on in the world wide web then chances are that you have heard of reseller web hosting. Because for many people it is not entirely clear what the difference is between normal web hosting and reseller web hosting we would like to explain in this article what exactly reseller web hosting is and how it can help your business or personal site. What is reseller web hosting? Reseller web hosting is a form of web hosting.
A reliable website With an online service to offer it is important to give customers assurance when an order can be placed. There are a number of ways to provide that assurance. It is important to pay attention to this because you want customers to have peace of mind when using your website! The SIDN has conducted a study of the top 5 points that make a difference in the reliability of your website hosting. This gives an idea of what your roadmap should be when you are starting up a website or
If you've landed on this page chances are you're looking for information on setting up your own website. Even though this has become a lot easier in recent years with the emergence of total solutions like Wordpress website hosting plug-ins and complete hosting packages there are still some things that are not quite clear to most people. Do you want to know how much hosting website costs? And what you all have to take into account when you choose a hosting package for your website? Then read on. has an advanced reseller webhosting package available which can be customized to your own taste. We offer a completely custom control panel with your own domain name and logo. You also get a webmail environment on your domain name. Your clients will only ever have to deal with you as a reseller directly. There are several reseller packages available in which you mainly have the choice of how much disk space you will need. We have the following packages to choose from: Reseller
New Website Costs More and more people want their own website. Whether it is a personal website on which they can express their thoughts. Or a website for their business on which they can gain new customers explain exactly what they have to offer or increase brand awareness. The possibilities with a website are endless. Who knows maybe in 10 or 20 years everyone will have their own website just as almost everyone now uses social media. But unlike social media website hosting is not free. Hence
Umbraco Hosting distinguishes itself by having an excellent environment for Umbraco hosting. We offer the latest technology for ASP.NET and the most stable servers. You can easily move an Umbraco website to our servers and if you do not want to worry about this we will move the website for you free of charge. With our Umbraco hosting you are also on our latest SSD disks to make sure your website runs as fast as possible. Umbraco is fast by itself but with our hosting your
Update your Website! We say it often and we keep repeating it; update your website to avoid problems! With all content management systems such as Wordpress and Joomla it is essential that regular attention is paid to them. You are dealing with a CMS that is constantly evolving and where security vulnerabilities are found. With the latest update of PHP 7.1 for web hosting older websites often cannot run on it anymore. This results in a 500 error message or a white page. This is quite easy to solve
Does an SSL certificate help with SEO? That question gets more often. The short answer is: Yes it does! But it is only one part the search engine takes into account and certainly not the only thing you can do to improve your position in the search engine ranking. That an SSL certificate counts has not always been the case. However with the latest updates to the algorithms and browsers it is becoming increasingly important. You've probably already seen it when you use Chrome
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