
Demo information films is currently working on expanding the knowledge base and support with demo movies.We would like to ask you, the customer, what you would most like to see more information about.Please send suggestions to you in advance for your input.

The crazy moving weeks!

To usher in the new year, we have the crazy moving weeks in the last weeks of January! The moving service we offer as an extra service we are going to perform for you for free until 31-01-2016 in exchange for a "like" on our Facebook page. See this link for more information:

Christmas Action 2015 has after Sinterklaas of course also the Christmas action!The domain names .nl .be and .eu are till 31-12-2015,€ 2.50 excl. VAT for the first year!Check out the page for more information.

PHP7 now available in your web hosting

After more than 10 years of PHP5 PHP is coming out with the latest release PHP7. What is going to change and what can you take into account? One of the points of PHP has always been speed in the latest release this problem has been addressed quite nicely. The speed of PHP Hosting 7 is namely 2 times faster. This is of course good news for customers who use Wordpress Drupal and Joomla.The current Zend engine has been replaced by the PHP next generation Engine this has improved the speed so much.

Did you know that

Did you know that since December 1 2014 our help desk (chat) via our website can also be reached on Saturdays? So now 6 days a week available on chat! tries in this way to further improve its service. So if you have administrative questions or a technical question regarding your website you can always check our helpdesk via our website. Most questions we can almost always answer directly. If our helpdesk is occupied or offline you can always create a ticket through the customer

Now the first year super cheap a domain name r

End of year action! Now until the end of the year a .NL/.BE/.EU domain name for only € 2 50 excl. Until 31-12-2014 you can register a .NL .BE or .EU domain name for only € 2.50 excl. After that the price for these three extensions will be € 5.94 excl. This promotion runs until the end of this year and applies to both new domain registrations and transfers. If you have any questions about this domain name promotion you can always use the chat on our website to ask your question. On

Maintenance Control panel

Today November 29th we will perform maintenance on the controlpanel. During the maintenance the controlpanel will not be available and no changes can be made via the controlpanel. The maintenance in which the software of the controlpanel will be upgraded will start around 11:00 and is expected to be finished around 18:00. After this the control panel will be available again. If you have questions about the planned maintenance you can create a ticket via the customer panel or see if someone from

Maintenance Control Panel Completed

The maintenance / upgrade to the control panel has been successfully completed. No incidents have occurred. Customers can now use the controlpanel again. The control panel has a new look and feel so it might take some time to find your way around. Next week the articles in the FAQ will be updated. If you have any questions or remarks you can always create a ticket via the customer panel or see if someone is on the chat at our website.

Maintenance Mail Servers Successfully Completed

Maintenance on the mail servers was reported finished at 05:35 this morning. No incidents occurred and everything went according to plan.If you still have questions about the maintenance we ask you to contact a helpdesk employee via the chat on our