In certain situations it is not necessary to opt for a more comprehensive or higher total package. An email hosting package is then sufficient. But what can you do with just email hosting? Or as we call it the email package. We'll explain that in detail in this blog post! Your own email address what does it mean? Everyone has their own email address in everyday life you encounter many situations where you are asked for your email address. Many people have a free provider for this and don't worry
Hosting your own website on your own server or home network is possible however this is not recommended. This is because networks and especially websites that are opened to a worldwide audience involve great risks for everything connected to the network. And can thus be better and more economically outsourced to a web hosting company. In this blog post let's take a look at hosting a website and what all is involved. Server costs and maintenance You want to have a website online as much as possible
WordPress is the most popular content management system for creating a website. And for good reason because a website can be created quickly and can be edited completely visually. For almost every setting and configuration there is a menu theme or plug-in you can choose from to achieve your goal. However being the most popular content management system it is also more vulnerable in some areas than a content management system like Umbraco. However with some precautions a WordPress website can be
Choosing a domain name and the language you use can make a big difference in the countries you get visitors from. In this blog post we'll take a look at a Dutch website with a .nl domain name to see which countries land on it. Let's get started! There are many decisions and considerations you need to make when starting a website and choosing a domain name. As a newbie to the internet this can sometimes seem overwhelming. At we do our best to make it as easy as possible
Google is not stopping at its most important raison d'ĂȘtre search results. With the latest update changes that already applied to mobile devices have now been extended to desktop search results and ads. In this blog post we'll take a look at the new features in search results. And how this could affect your organic and paid results. Search results continue to be one of the driving forces behind the world's most popular solution to this problem. Since Google's launch there have been several updates
In the history of Internet browsers there are a number of well-known titans. What started with Netscape and Internet Explorer has evolved into Mozilla Firefox Microsoft Edge and the current leader Google Chrome. Many Internet browsers today are based on Chromium or Google Chrome's open-source base. These browsers include Brave Opera and Vivaldi. Mozilla Firefox is one of the last to use proprietary code from the base to enable its Internet browser. Microsoft is in the process of taking its browser
Customers are essential to the existence of your business; in the world of Internet marketing a customer journey is easier to track than many other types of marketing. With tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console you can get a clear picture of how a customer came to your website and how they then proceeded to make a purchase. In this blog post let's take a look at what a customer journey can look like and how you can extend it. Statistics tools With a website you can see in fine detail
When you start your own business there is often a lot to do. Besides registering with the Chamber of Commerce and starting your business a website is one of the first things you need to think about. With a website you can get the word out about your business and attract your first customers. Creating a website can be outsourced but with a little will and time it's also great to do it yourself. In this blog post let's take a look at the steps involved. How do you choose a domain name? Your self-employment
As a self-employed person or business a website can serve as a business card but with a website as a business card you have access to a worldwide audience. And is always on the web for you. In this blog post we'll look at the benefits of having a website as a business card and what it can do. The website is always on the job for you A website ensures that your customers can always find you. Once you have completed your website and published it under a domain name it is online 99.99% of the time
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