
The choice between nl and com domains

When you start your business it is sometimes difficult to get a clear idea of which domain name is best to choose. With this choice you determine the market and the trend of the website so you should think about it carefully. In this blog post we will discuss all the pros and cons. And how you can find the right domain name for your business! A domain name can be of great importance to your business because it is part of almost every promotion you want to make. And every listing that your business

Phishing email doing the rounds masquerading as SmarterMail

Beware! Phishing email doing the rounds masquerading as SmarterMail Through this blog post we would like to change our customers on a phishing or Spam email currently doing the rounds. This is a Phishing email that appears to be coming from SmarterMail itself. However this is not the case. Let's discuss in this blog post how to recognize this and how to verify that with your email address is otherwise okay. SmarterMail SmarterMail is the software that uses for its email. So

How to know if a WordPress plugin is secure

WordPress is the most popular way to create a website with an open source content management system thanks in part to the many plug-ins and themes available for both free and paid. Plug-ins are often small tweaks to your website that make it easier to set up a content form connect with Google Analytics and a whole host of other possibilities. However you should always check that the plug-in is secure and won't affect your website. You can take a number of factors into consideration. Check from

Use of affiliate marketing on your website

There are a number of different revenue streams that you can use for your website which can be grouped into three different types. Products that you sell yourself ads that you run or displaying affiliate products on your website. Let's explain the difference between these streams and how you can use them to generate revenue on your website. Making money from a website is a given for many webmasters whether they run a blog a web store or a business website. Once your website starts getting more

Google Product review algorithm update

A new month and a new Google Algorithm update is also upon us the last few months have seen several pushes from Google. With all of them laterally focused on discovering low content and taking it away or dropping it in the search engines. Let's take a look at what's known about the update that will begin rolling out in America next week. And what this could mean for your website results. Like any Google Update it can shake up your website's search results quite a bit. With each update you can be

Websites created using WordPress

When you are researching ways to create your own website it can sometimes be helpful to be able to see the possibilities and see some sample websites that have been created using the Content Management System you want to use. This way you can get a better idea of what you can do with it and maybe write down some ideas for your website. Let's take a look at websites made in WordPress! Websites made in WordPress WordPress is the most popular Content Management System used more than 60 percent of

Vulnerability in WordPress Plugin Better Search Replace

Every website should be updated to the latest versions not only to gain access to new features or speed but also often to ensure that your website remains secure in use. After all if you don't pay enough attention to this then you risk losing your hard work on the website. In this blog post let's take a look at the latest vulnerability in a popular WordPress Plug-in Better Search Replace. Which is installed on more than 1 million WordPress websites. Plug-in Better Search Replace WordPress websites

Establish achievable goals for your website

The basics of websites can be put together in an afternoon with modern Content Management Systems such as WordPress Umbraco Joomla or Drupal. However the biggest and most work will always be making sure that people actually come to your website hosting. One of the most common sources for this is organic search traffic from Google. So when users search for a term within your hobby freelance work or services. Then it is important that your company or website appears among them. And preferably as

Taking a website offline temporarily

If you want to take your website offline temporarily there are several options and tools you can use for that. Let's take a look at these options in this blog post. And how best to let your customers and visitors know about them. It's easy to take a website offline if you just don't want visitors it can be important to take it offline completely. There are many ways to do this. Some are simple others are very abrupt. And there are also ways to direct visitors to a contact option. Below we'll explain