Image backup online

Image backup online

Personal 250

monthly Excl. VAT

Image backup online

Personal 1000

monthly Excl. VAT


Personal 250

€ 3.99

Personal 1000

€ 5.99
120 Days
120 Days
Number of devices allowed
Automatic backups
Storage in data center NL
Space available
Software client
Online portal
Space available
120 Days
120 Days
Compression of transmitted data
Automatic backups
Setting tasks (time interval)
Files and folders
Windows system backup
Storage in data center NL
Secure connection
Multiple devices
Number of devices allowed
Storage to be used on all devices
Multiple storage vaults

Personal 250

€ 3.99

Personal 1000

€ 5.99

Image backup online

An online image backup provides a lot of benefits for any organization or personal projects. When you earn the income with an online business, or perform production work on the computer. A backup that stores your work is not only important to save yourself work. But it can also provide security for your customers.

Imagine the following situation, you are on your way to your next customer on the train or in the car. You decide to prepare the meeting a little bit extra while on the train or in a cafe while driving. As you wind down, you realize that you should have already been there. In a hurry, you quickly get on the road. But unfortunately your laptop just slips out of your hands and clatters to the floor. Not only have you now just lost the work for that meeting. But also everything you created before that. Repairing a hard drive is a particularly difficult task that requires the necessary investment. And often with no guarantee of data recovery.

With a backup solution that seamlessly saves it in the background for you, this was of course prevented!

Image backup specifications

To create an image backup there are a few simple steps to take. These steps are easily accomplished by using the locally installed software. This backup task can also be configured with extra commands that can be added. And the backup task can be run in the background whenever you want. Every day, every week or every month. The choice is yours. For all the steps needed you can simply hold the knowledge base next to it where the whole thing is explained step by step using screenshots. This makes it easy to follow and to set up according to your wishes.

The backup tax can be made of 1 disk or multiple disks. For example, if you have multiple partitions where your data and settings are stored, then this extra disk or partition can also be included in the same image backup. This makes it easy to save everything in one place and to return to the old situation immediately after restoring the backup.

The image backup can be restored in multiple places. Of course directly on the current computer if there is a system breaking error. Or a USB stick can be used to install a new PC. And it can even be turned into a virtual machine, for example in Oracle Virtualbox or a virtualization way of choice.

This gives you the freedom to view certain settings and files without having to install the machine right away. For example, if you need to restore a file from the machine that happens to be in the complete image backup.

Different ways to restore an image backup

There are several ways to restore an image backup. We will explain the different ways in more detail below.

Different computer disk

If you want to restore an image backup to another drive, you can do this yourself in Windows using software. The steps are then easy to do from the machine to restore the complete image backup from the local PC.

Restoring as a virtual disk drive

The virtual option is especially interesting for server administrators and system managers who maintain and update colleagues' laptops. For example, if a colleague leaves, you can still save an image backup of his or her work environment at a virtual location. This way, the laptop can be recycled for another colleague. This way you don't have to perform complicated recovery tasks when you still miss a certain file. Or you can simply keep an archive of delivered work, for example in Virtualbox or Azure.

Restoring via bootable USB stick

Restoring via a bootable USB stick can be done quickly with the local software. A USB stick of at least 2 GB is required for this. This works just like installing Windows via a USB stick. The only difference is that the image backup is put on top immediately. And there is no need for a separate Windows installation and configuration. Which of course saves a lot of time.

All these ways of working can be found in the knowledge base. Do you have a situation that is not explained? Please contact us via the ticket system or the online chat.

Securing the image backup

Security is an important issue when creating a backup. You do not want your backup to be susceptible to attacks. That is why the security of the backup starts with the first threshold. Namely the password which has strict requirements and the two factor authentication via your mobile that can be set. So you know that the access already has an extra layer of security to be able to get to the backup.

Furthermore, the connection between the local machine and the backup servers is also secured with a TLS connection, this ensures that no one can read the data when, for example, you leave the backup job running at a café or in the train. The final backup on the servers is also encrypted with the military AES-256 encryption. So your backup is protected at all times!